Lesson 5 – Calling on the Name of the Lord (Outline)

Lesson 5 – Calling on the Name of the Lord

Isaiah. 12:3-4a Therefore you will draw water with rejoicing / From the springs of salvation, / And you will say in that day, / Give thanks to Jehovah; call upon His name!

Romans. 10:12b-13 For the same Lord is Lord of all and rich to all who call upon Him; for “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Lamentations. 3:55-56 I called upon Your name, / O Jehovah, / From the lowest pit. / You have heard my voice; do not hide / Your ear at my breathing, at my cry.

  1. The definition of calling on the name of the Lord:
    1. The accurate meaning is to call out audibly “Lord Jesus, O Lord Jesus”; it is also to cry out to the Lord, and to experience spiritual breathing. 1
    2. By calling on the name of the Lord, we receive the Spirit. 2
      1. The name denotes the person. Jesus is the Lord’s name, and the Spirit is His person. When we call, “Lord Jesus,” we receive the Spirit.
  2. The purpose of calling on the name of the Lord:
    1. To be rescued from distress, trouble, sorrow, and pain 3, 4
    2. To partake of the Lord’s salvation 5
    3. To enjoy the riches of the Lord 6
    4. To stir up ourselves 7
  3. The practice of calling on the name of the Lord:
    1. Call on the Lord out of a pure heart 8
    2. Call on the Lord by opening our mouth wide 9
    3. Call on the Lord daily and moment by moment 10


Bible References:

  1. I called upon Your name, / O Jehovah, / From the lowest pit. / You have heard my voice; do not hide / Your ear at my breathing, at my cry. (Lamentations 3:55-56)
  2. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Acts 2:21)
  3. In my distress I called upon Jehovah / And cried out to my God. / He heard my voice from His temple, / And my cry before Him came to His ears. (Psalm 18:6)
  4. And call upon Me in the day of trouble: / I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me. (Psalm 50:15)
  5. I will take up the cup of salvation / And call upon the name of Jehovah. (Psalm 116:13)
  6. For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord is Lord of all and rich to all who call upon Him. (Romans 10:12)
  7. And there is no one who calls upon Your name, / Who stirs himself up to lay hold of You; / For You have hidden Your face from us / And have consumed us by our iniquities. (Isaiah 64:7)
  8. But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Timothy 2:22)
  9. I am Jehovah your God, /Who brought you up out of the land of Egypt / Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. (Psalm 81:10)
  10. My eye wastes away at the affliction; / I have called out to You, / O Jehovah, every day; / I have spread out my hands to You. (Psalm 88:9)